Our genetic makeup determines our physical traits such as our height, skin health, mental abilities, and eye color. But on the other hand, genetic disorders can adversely affect our health for life. Genetic mutation is also considered responsible for bad eye-sight to some degree. It is important to note, that there are many factors which may cause bad eye-sight and heredity is only one of them.
Here are a few of the common eye-conditions wherein genetic makeup is considered partially responsible –
Refraction Errors
Refraction eye disorders include myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism (blurry vision). If you have a family history of a misshapen cornea that does not allow light to be concentrated on your retina – you could get a refractive error in your eyesight.
Usually, cataract is caused as a result of aging, diabetes, eye injury, or past surgeries. However, if you have a genetic eye disorder it may increase the risk of cataract. People who have a family history of cataracts are more likely to develop cataracts if exposed to harsh conditions such as ultraviolet rays.
Color Blindness
It has been proven that color blindness or the inability to differentiate between colors is caused due to a defective chromosome. This is a genetic eye problem more prevalent in males than in females.
Strabismus or crossed eyes are caused due to the inability of eyes to focus on a single visual together. Many factors may cause your eyes to lose the ability to control the eye muscles which help you focus. One of the reasons for strabismus is genetic eye problems.
Glaucoma is a condition that causes blindness due to damage to the optic nerve. The main reason for glaucoma is elevated eye pressure. If you have a family history for glaucoma, you are more likely to develop this condition when exposed to eye pressure.
Macular Degeneration
Even though genetic eye disorders are not classified as causes of macular degeneration, research has proven that people with a family history of this condition are more susceptible to it after the age of 40.
Retinitis Pigmentosa
The primary symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa or RP, are loss of peripheral vision or loss of vision at night. This is a degenerative disease causing vision loss gradually over time. Genetic mutations have been identified as one of the causes of retinitis pigmentosa. This is a genetic disease that causes blindness. Retinitis pigmentosa genetic testing can help people determine the chances of their children being affected by RP in the future.
Genetic conditions cannot be removed from our bodies or fought in any way. Genetic disease treatment is also not possible in every case, so the best thing to do is to take care of our eyes as best as we can. Always check in with your primary physician and be aware of the risk of eye diseases by understanding your family history and take all the necessary precautions. It is also advisable to go for an eye check-up every two years.
*Insight Vision Center — Our expert eye doctors are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of eye problems. Book a consultation with us if you think you may be affected by a genetic eye problem and we would be happy to guide you for it.
Author Bio
Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center, eye care center, Fresno. With a knack for understanding medical procedures and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs to inform readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care, especially LASIK. Aaron loves collecting coasters from the different bars and restaurants he visits during his travels.