Holidays are a time for family gatherings, fun traditions, and the holiday spirit. Unfortunately, holidays can also be stressful for those caring for someone who has been diagnosed with dementia. Involving and caring for your loved one during the festivities
Bill Enjoys Staying Busy at Aspen Senior Day Center
Benefits of Respite for Older Adults with Dementia
According to the 2013 U.S. Census, nearly 10% of Utah’s population was aged 65 and over (translated into numbers: 300,000+ individuals). This percentage is expected to dramatically increase as the Baby Boomer generation ages and people live longer due to
Cargiver Burnout is REAL
Part of my job description as dementia caregiver (and one that is often overlooked or even unknown to many) is to informally assess/evaluate the actions, behaviors, responses, and demeanor of caregiver spouses and family members. I look deep into their
Alzheimer’s Disease: So Cruel and Devastating
The following thoughts were written by my mom six months after the death of her sweetheart, my dad, at the end of a very long and tiring and lonely day— You have always been drawn to working with older adults, and