centerAspen-LogoJulie-and-Client-566x239[1]Staying-Close[1]Staff and client getting to know each other better.SocializationCropped

It is with mixed emotions that I write my last post tonight; a new opportunity to serve residents living in the Alzheimer’s unit at a neighboring assisted living facility begins in the morning. The myriad experiences while working in nursing home, hospital, assisted living, retirement community, in-home, and adult day care settings, along with 7+ years of college, have prepared me to make this change. I want to leave you with a couple of thoughts:

“Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enrich the lives of individuals, building better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world” (Greenleaf, 2015). The servant-leader is servant first. He/she is not driven by a desire to have power, material wealth, or recognition; rather servant-leaders quietly and unselfishly care for people with little concern for themselves. Gary, Julie, and Pam have been examples of this philosophy at Aspen. Thank you for exceptional leadership; your love for each client and employee is obvious in the activities you plan, foods you prepare, games you play, respect you show, reassurance and encouragement you freely give, and in your smiles and hugs.

“Total quality management (TQM) is an approach that describes the culture, attitude and organization framework of a company that strives to provide customers with services that satisfy their needs. The culture requires quality in all aspects of the company’s operations, with processes being done right the first time and defects and waste eradicated from operations” (Padhi, 2015). The 8 key elements of TQM include ethics, integrity, trust, training, teamwork, leadership, recognition, and communication. Aspen has expertly created a warm and welcoming environment for clients and employees using all elements of the TQM model.

I would challenge any who work in long-term care services to adopt traits of servant leadership and follow patterns of TQM. I am a better person for working with servant leaders and hope to take what I have learned to my new clients and staff. I appreciate all the kindness, support, and encouragement I have received from coworkers, clients, and their families. Aspen Senior Center has been my home away from home for two years; I dearly love each client and every member of the work team. In all my experience I have never felt more needed, included, respected or loved than I have at Aspen.

I love you all!!



For more information on Servant Leadership and Total Quality Management visit:

Greenleaf, R.K. (2015). What is servant leadership? Retrieved from

Padhi, N. (2015). The eight elements of TQM. Retrieved from

Goodbye, Dear Friends!